Which Home Repairs Should Come First?

If you’re the fixer-upper type, you may have even opted for a home with a few repairs. This can be a great option if you want to save a few bucks or renovate the home to your style. But after the home inspection, a lot of home buyers can become stressed about the number of …

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All-Natural and Creative Ways to Rid Your Home of Ants

Why is it that when Spring comes to our area, ants suddenly invade our homes?  If you’re a homeowner, you may have tried ant traps, pest sprays, and high-octane ant killers – both inside and outside your home. When ants start marching in, you may not have time to run to the store for some …

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dog sitting on "Home" door mat

How to Remove Pet Smells and Odors When Selling Your Home

When potential home buyers walk through of a home, not everything always meets the eye. In fact, there’s one thing that can send potential homebuyers running: the smell of a family pet. The Humane Society estimates that approximately 15% of the population is allergic to cats or dogs. Although you and your pet aren’t planning …

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